Online Civil Engineering Internship | Online Internship In Australia

 I am sure that you have searched many times about online Civil Engineering internships and almost 99% of you have not succeeded. I did it many times. I contracted many seniors of Civil Engineering who passed out from uni and they told me that there is no platform for Civil Engineers to do an Online internship. 

But I know there will be someone who is offering an online internship. Because being a Digital Marketer, I know some people target the micro-niche, and maybe there is someone who targeted an audience like you but the keyword he used in his blog, maybe we are unable to find. 

Also Read: 25 Software Programs To Know In Civil Engineering 

So after about 2 weeks of struggle, I got it. I came across forage. On the platform of Forage, "John Holland Australia" is offering a Virtual Internship for Civil Engineers. This internship is in 3 parts. And these parts are.

  1. Infrastructure
  2. Building
  3. Rail

Each part has some task and you have to complete them and upload them on their platform. After completing all the tasks they will award you a certificate like Coursera.

I have done Just one part out of three because their tasks needed time and I am sure if you did all the tasks by yourself you will be able to solve many problems.

There is another reason why I have not yet completed it because I am doing an internship during this time, Walking to the office at 9 Am daily and Coming back at 6 Pm can allow me to do much more. I (Also doing some online courses. Completed almost 10+ courses online during this 1 month)

Here is the link : Apply here                                                                                                                                                              

Writer: Hamad Ali

Civil Engineering Student Of 4th year at University of Engineering and Technology Taxila.

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