Online Civil Engineering Internship | Online Internship In Australia
I am sure that you have searched many times about online Civil Engineering internships and almost 99% of you have not succeeded. I did it many times. I contracted many seniors of Civil Engineering who passed out from uni and they told me that there is no platform for Civil Engineers to do an Online internship.
But I know there will be someone who is offering an online internship. Because being a Digital Marketer, I know some people target the micro-niche, and maybe there is someone who targeted an audience like you but the keyword he used in his blog, maybe we are unable to find.
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So after about 2 weeks of struggle, I got it. I came across forage. On the platform of Forage, "John Holland Australia" is offering a Virtual Internship for Civil Engineers. This internship is in 3 parts. And these parts are.
- Infrastructure
- Building
- Rail
Each part has some task and you have to complete them and upload them on their platform. After completing all the tasks they will award you a certificate like Coursera.
I have done Just one part out of three because their tasks needed time and I am sure if you did all the tasks by yourself you will be able to solve many problems.
There is another reason why I have not yet completed it because I am doing an internship during this time, Walking to the office at 9 Am daily and Coming back at 6 Pm can allow me to do much more. I (Also doing some online courses. Completed almost 10+ courses online during this 1 month)
Here is the link : Apply here
Writer: Hamad Ali
Civil Engineering Student Of 4th year at University of Engineering and Technology Taxila.
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